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Member since ‎04-27-2006

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Hello,I am new to VSS and am trying to setup the following.I am following the best practices from Cisco.VSS pair with two 6506-E chassis, one Sup2T per chassis, two WS-X6848-SFP (DFC4) per chassisusing two 10GE VSL links.Once the system is converted ...
Dear forum,I have a scenario where users should be allowed network access after their have given their AD credentials and a token (Blackshield Token server).The token server speaks over radius to the cisco ACS appliance. I have managed to get users a...
Hello,I am moving a M6 shelf to another location this weekend. I am asked to check if the attenuation is still correct. I know that we can get the span values from maintenance > dwdm > retrieve spannloss. So far so good. What happends if the attenuat...
Hello Support forum,I am getting some weir behaviour in my LMS 4.2 setup. I am doing and Archiveupdate job and am receiving a partial success for roughly 1400 devices.  Here is some output.Execution Result:STARTUP CM0057 PRIMARY STARTUP Config fetch ...
I had one of our 3 node^s in a ring topo undergo automatic system resets.According the troubleshooting guide an Automatic system reset occurs when you do an IP change or perform any other action that causes an automatic card-level reboot. The issue i...
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Member Since ‎04-27-2006 07:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-04-2018 12:05 AM
Posts 19
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