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Member since ‎09-27-2007

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  • 19 Helpful votes Received
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We are wanting to use local database users to authenticate our SSH connections to our 6500 cores.We have added the usernames and password into the 6500 using username anameduser password astrongpasswordorusername anameduser secret astrongpasswordWe w...
I have an ACL which is working fine.150 deny ip any host 160 deny ip any host (32 matches) 170 permit udp any eq snmp 180 deny udp any any eq snmp (22 matches) 190 deny tcp any any eq 2967...
Routing was a term I chose to use, I know it is not proper since I can route traffic with out complaint except the snmp, and SSH, traffic from the monitoring server.I have a group of switches and routers that I monitor.Site one has a VLAN 100 192.168...
I have an small SNMP issue that effects my network monitoring systems.I have a vlan here that manages all my routes and switches. We will call it vlan 1, I have a set of routers that connect via a T-1 to a Cisco 4506 core on the far side. It has a ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-27-2007 06:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 20
Total Helpful Votes Received 19
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