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Member since ‎04-25-2002

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Is it possible to build a CSA rule to stop a wireless laptop from attaching to a wireless network with the SSID of "guest"??If so how??
I have a situation where we occasionally get a busy signal on IP phones with a shared line even though the phones are on-hook. The shared line is the only one that gets the busy signal. The user can still dial out on the line; they just can't recei...
I have a 2 line phone. The lines have different DNs and different voice-mail. Line 2 is not a primary extension on any other phone. When I press the line button for line 2 and press the CFwdALL softkey, I get a fast busy and a message that says "p...
We are installing approximately 1500 IP phones. We are using 4006 switches ( 7.4(3) ) to provide line power to the phones. The 7940/7960s work fine, but when we attach a 7910 it does not receive power. We can plug a 7940/7960 into the same port and...
I have a situation in which an office assistant has her boss's primary line on her phone as a second line. Someone will call her boss and she will answer the phone. At that point, she either takes a message or transfers the caller to the boss's voi...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-25-2002 07:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-31-2020 05:33 AM
Posts 19