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Member since ‎05-22-2012

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Hi I’m studying towards the CCNA exam and an currently working through Ch 4 of the ICND 2 book.I’ve created a simulated network, the significant portion of which is shown in the above diagram.  There are other switches and hosts, but no other routers...
Hi,I'm studying towards the CCNA exam and am currently reading the ICND2 book.In chapter 3 (p 147), we're given an example under predicting normal operation of the LAN switching data plane.  Specifically, the example covers a PC broadcasting in a VLA...
Hi Guys!I'm working my way through the ICND2 book in preparation for taking the CCNA exam.Chapter three deals with troubleshooting and the bit I'm concerned with is at the top of p149 (if you have access to it).The text states: "... both SW1's trunks...
Whilst preparing for the CCNA qualification I decided to create a small network project to exercise myself in ICND1 & ICND2 knowledge.The scenario is this:A small company consists of several departments.  The network infrastructure consists of severa...
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Member Since ‎05-22-2012 06:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 17
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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