Hello-I see the abilit to specify a static IP and the subnet mask, however, there is no method to configure the default gateway. This is causing the WAN interface to no be able to reach the internet.-Dan
I recently configured our 2911 Integrated Services router with the attached configuration. We have a 10MB ethernet over copper circut that is being brought to us via a metro-ethernet link. For one reason or another, we are only gettin 6.5-7 MB/s DO...
Hello-My company recently purchased a 2911 Integrated services router and I have been charged with figuring out how to configure it. Our ISP has provided us with the following information:Our carriers circuit is coming to us via Chicago Loop's metro...
I am VERY new to both Cisco routers AND terminal configuration, but I am not completely ignorant and have been able to configure the interfaces on our 2911 router.The problem I am having is with setting the username and password for the system (i bas...
I was recently configuring my Cisco 2911 router through a HyperTerminal session via USB connection. I noticed when I first connected it told me that there was a 1 time username and password (cisco, cisco) and I should change this or I would be locke...
I eneded up speaking with the ISP and they told me it would be best to force full duplex and 10mbs... I did and that was all it took!THANKS AGAIN NT!YOU HAVE BEEN VERY HELPFUL!
Here are the requested SHOW commands... I noticed the 0/0 interface (not sub)is only at 10mb HALF duplex... this may be the issue, but I do believe the circut being a 10MB copper over ethernet having it auto negotiate to 10mb is alright, but likely f...
ALSO-From our firewall I CANNOT ping the .109 serial of our ISP, but I CAN ping the 0/0 interface (wan facing) on the router at .110 ... I feel like I am missing some way of routing from the 0/1 LAN/firewall facing interface THROUGH the 0/0 WAN facin...
Just wanted to post these just in case but these are the updated SHOW files for DIAG CONFIGURATION VLANS and INVENTORY.I am curious though as to why this still isn't working? Do I need to setup a static route between our router and the ISP's? Do I ne...
ALSO-You mentioned defining the Routing protocol or static route between out locations> how is this done?I have connected the firewall to the router now (the firewall has its WAN interface with xxx.xxx.255.75 and controls DCHP for our LAN) and the 0/...