Here you can do one more thing ... You can try to reset module from command
5k# config t
5k-config# poweroff module 1 ( Particular module)
5k-config# no poweroff module 1 ( Particular module)
It will reset the module and it should work.. Beca...
Thanks for the reply!Orecx is the recording Server located at 559999Orecx Server is also having wireshark where we are not able to see SIP message when we pickup the ringing Call and connect it to establish the rtp.I have also put D...
Hello Everyone
I have simple vCube lab setup. with two CME on Right and Left. Each CME has 1 phone registered.
The middle men is CSR1000v SIP Cube enabled with SIPREC config.
Call are working from right to left and Left to right.. and receiving ...