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Member since ‎09-19-2001

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    Hello, I changed my network topology so I had to change configuration of two working leaf nodes by adding the vPC feature. During the configuration I had some problems which I report below. I hope someone wants to comment on them. 1) If you don't...
       Hello,I have a wrong label problem on my last hop in a MPLS network.Routers are Cisco ASR9K with IOS-XR.I try to simplify as much as possible.I have this static: router staticaddress-family ipv4 unicast 217.27.XXX.132/32 And I ...
Hello,   In the documentation I can't find the minimum fabric module requirements needed for the Nexus 9504 cards. Everywhere I find only the requirements for maximum bandwidth performance. In a PAYG path what is the minimum number of fabric path mod...
Hello,   I'm evaluating the use of the new Cisco edge 8500L device instead of the ASR1001 series.I read that the system is able to run in software two different IOS processes, I imagine that the system has an linux hypervisor with different VM or som...
I read that the new Catalyst 8500L series is the successor of the ASR1001X. The ASR1001X is also a Broadband Access Aggregation router so a question is spontaneous if you do broadband aggregation.In the datasheet I can't find any references to the ma...
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Member Since ‎09-19-2001 05:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 01:23 AM
Posts 84
Total Helpful Votes Received 16