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Member since ‎06-27-2002

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  • 69 Posts
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  • 13 Helpful votes Given
  • 10 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

The standard sandbox domain for the DNA Center is and though it shows the home page, authentication kind of loops back. Noticed in the details (quick start) that there is a new, and it works, but the activ...
Hi, happy new year!It used to be the case that profile type was not readily available to use in authorization policies, but that is no longer the case. So what is the current use case for identity groups ? Just a higher order classification ? TIA,-Ca...
Hi,is there any way to have (device configuration) change control in SD-WAN ?I don't see any "version" number attached to templates, nor a rollback or snapshot or...Am I missing something ?TIA-Carlos
Hi,I'm trying to nail some topics on ISE configuration, and understand the logic of the flows so to say.There are indeed some good documents out there, but I'm missing some details.Some flows use NetworkAccess (dictionary?) UseCase (attribute?) to "s...
Hi,I'm testing ISE profiling reading some material (ISE course) that says that basic profiling works even w/o the profiling service up.That seems to be the case, but I get some inconsistent info.Case in point, I get "Unknown" Endpoint profile in cont...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-27-2002 11:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-13-2024 01:31 AM
Posts 69
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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