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Member since ‎12-10-2012

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Can anyone tell me how to stop our SPA303 phones from continuously rebooting, I believe they keep re-provisioning every 24hrs and its becoming a extremely annoying.
Hiya guys, simple question..Can anyone tell me what number the ring tone is that sounds like the TV series 24 on the SPA303 (Firmware version 7.5.4),  I'm currently off site so I can't flick through them and listen for myself..Also, is it possible to...
I've bought 10+ SPA303 handsets to setup with Elastix and FreePBX.I've logged in the "Unembedded freePBX " side of  elastix, added the devices via endpoint configurator and have created a  global template that the SPA303 handsets collect their inform...
Can anyone tell me if its possible to print all of the content within the Cisco SPA303 menu?Anytime I try to print it cant all fit on the page, even if i print horizontal or scale it..
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Member Since ‎12-10-2012 01:07 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
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