I would be somewhat disbelieving of the VLAN limit. I suffered multiple 7K issues a few months ago that led to repeated service interuptions .
Contributing root cause .. ... ready for it ...
We had 350 vlans on a pair of 7Ks and they wer...
Can you tell us the direction you chose ? Not sure how a 4500X was going to be involved with ISE in a end user facing role .. it seems not to be an appropriate desktop switch.
1) setup packet capture with rotating capture files and stop capture during an event and analyze ? with Wireshark you can filter on "SYN"s to see connection attempts2) does your firewall connect to any routers that can do "top talkers" ?, turn if...
I use ciscocmd to get the "show int" output into FILE and then run egrep -A 20 "is down," FILE | egrep "is down|Last input" | egrep -B 1 never | grep -v never |awk '{print "int " $1 "\v shut" }' > FILE.cmd this products a file of int GigabitEtherne...