Dante Chutorianscy
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Member since ‎06-26-2012

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This is the scenario:Customer have Jabber for windows and deskphone model 7841 with the same DN (shared line).When he is in a call and a second call arrives, the 7841 only beeps, but Jabber ring! He wan't do disable the ring when it is in a call.I tr...
This is the scenario:Customer have Jabber for windows and deskphone model 7841 with the same DN (shared line).When he is in a call and a second call arrives, the 7841 only beeps, but Jabber ring! He wan't do disable the ring when it is in a call.I tr...
I trying to do a migrate with PCD 11.5 and I get this error: An error occurred while displaying the data returned from Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment: obj.entities is null. This usually means the data returned was missing some critical pieces o...
There's a way to change PIN timeout parameters on conference now?? Today customer have to type the PIN very fast.
Hi,I have a CUCME 7.X.I configured a voice hunt-group and list number with external numbers. When I call to the pilot using a internal phone it works! But if this hunt received a external call, it didn´t works. The call stay in silent and then get a ...
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Member Since ‎06-26-2012 07:51 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-14-2019 11:42 PM
Posts 12