Muhammed AKYUZ
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Member since ‎12-27-2007

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Hi,I have 2 nexus 7K have vpc.. a swtich has connections to nexus 7Ks.  and a router connected to swtich. I have atatched the diagram. I want to establish neighbourhood with router and N7K-1   ///  router and N7K-2.  I know cisco does not reccomend r...
Hi,We want to deoploy nexus 2000 on our Nexus 5K systems, have you ever experienced any problem on these devices? It seems like Nexus 2000 devices are dummy devices. Without N5K, it is nothing...Thank you.
HiWe want to establish site-to-site dynmaic vpn with Juniper SRX and cisco router. at center: there is Juniper SRX FW at branch: cisco IOS router. branch IOS router's IP address is dynamic.configs and debug outputs. Please help..JUNIPER SRX CONFIG:se...
HiThe design which is attached can be implemented? PROS /CONS.. ?
Hi,I have configured access-list on Nexus 5K. icmp packets matches the acess-list but syslog packets does not match. Is it normal?ip access-list KAT12test  statistics per-entry  2 permit udp eq syslog  3 permit udp 10.1...
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Member Since ‎12-27-2007 11:53 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-15-2019 12:03 AM
Posts 187
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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