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Member since ‎10-07-2004

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After a factory refresh on a 3602i, I am no longer able to set the Country to "US"It is defaulting to "AU" and when I try changing it I get the error that reads "error in setting country code."Any thougths on where to start with this?The AP was purch...
Hi all,I have an Interface that is up/up but "show fail" reports "no link"Any ideas on what the cause may be? I am seeing input errors on the switch port this interface is connected to. Tried swapping the cable, but no change. I may have a hardware p...
Hi All,I'm using the default tunnel-group and group-policy for my general user community. I want to apply a filter for that group, and have a special use case for another group that bypasses the filter. My goal: for people hitting the "RAS_Engineerin...
Hi all,I've read through some of the discussions here regarding the 3560x ASICs, but still not clear on the architecture.I see 3 port-asics on the 3560x. What is the job of these ASICs?Also, what is the total throughput of the 3560x series?I'm resear...
Hi all,Running ASA 5520 8.2(1)I have an interface ACL applied, with a catch all at the end for logging traffic that does not match my specific rules.    access-list dmz-in extended permit ip DMZ-NET any log informational interval 300 I ...
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Member Since ‎10-07-2004 05:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 12:55 PM
Posts 34
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