From admin>>>>> system preference>>>>smtpserver:-" put your mail server ip"administrator E-mail id:- " put lms mail "check on enable mail attachmentand choose the attaxhment sizei tried to put a fake mail but it didn't work too, and in the mail you w...
i have the same problem with my 2811 router with image version 12.4(15)T5 %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 1708 bytes failed from0x40335BDC, alignment 32Pool: I/O Free: 343904 Cause: Memory fragmentationAlternate Pool: None Free: 0 Cause: ...
first remove the mgcp configurationand if it didn't work out for you restart your routerit worked for me just with removing the configuration and applying it back againbut in my search their 's people who solved it with restarting their router
i just have this message on my 2811 router C2800NM-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(23) i just removed the mgcp configuration from the router and put it back again no mgcp and then put back the configurationit works for meand if this msg appeared bac...