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Member since ‎08-26-2010

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Dear all,My cisco switch 3560  restarted itself.I run the "show version" and I see the "  Last reset from switch aborted". What happen for it and what mean for it? show versionCisco IOS Software, C3560 Software (C3560-IPBASE-M), Version 12.2(35)SE5, ...
Dear all,(1)How to config the 2960 POE switch for AVAYA IP 500?For example ,QOS and vlan,trunk between two 2960 POE switch (2)Do I need to disable the POE function when the port is be connected to another switch without POE function Please give the d...
Dear all,I have a switch 3750. I create some of vlan 3,4,5,6,7,8 and have one trunk port:(1)port 37, allow vlan 2-4096, connect to a switch 2960).VLAN3,4,5,7,8 can access each other with access list controlMy questions ;(1) in this case ,the vlan hav...
Dear all,I set up a  network in packet trace.PC0 : (fa0/0)RouterA : (s1/0)RouterB : (s1/0)RouterB: (fa0/0)PC1: andPC1 can not p...
Dear all,I have a three Routers that connect to a three VLANs.Router A connect to VLAN2Router B connect to VLAN3Router C connect to VLAN4Router A, Router B and Router C is configured with a static route and thery are  supplied by the third party We c...
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Member Since ‎08-26-2010 06:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 11