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Member since ‎02-08-2006

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HI,I want to replace an old 6500 by new 4500.I have some qos parameters (mls qos and soon on) taht i want to set ine new 4500.But with my ios image (entreprise services 3.3) , i cannot enter MLS QOS ? Is this command depreciated ine IOs XE ? Which is...
Hi,I've got a stange issue. I work with 5520 image 8.2.When i want to create a Group of host and in the same windows create a host, with 6.2 i have the following :            name my_host      object-group network my_group        network-o...
Hi,If want to set, at configuration global level, BPDU Guard AND BPDU filter enable for stp portfast. Is it a good idea ?BPDU guard will shutdwon port if BPDU frame is received and with BPDU filter, a swict ports cannot send BPDU frame.Si, if I do a ...
Hi, I'am using ASA5520 for WebVPn and AAA authentication. AAA Authentication is set on default tunnel group. I have created a new tunnel group with local authentication.at user level, I check "tunnel group lock" and choose the new tunnel group.When i...
I'am using a WAN network with DMVPN and BGP. I want to secure core router with HSRP.Dir someone already implement it ? What are the major issues encountered ?ThanksOB1
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Member Since ‎02-08-2006 05:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-14-2021 12:42 PM
Posts 18
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