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Member since ‎04-20-2008

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A user called me that an ATA had failed so they ordered a new one and changed the MAC in CME and it wasn't working. It turned out, the POTS line was bad so it was fixed. Now, we can't get either (new or old) ATA to register with CME. I think everythi...
I have a client with existing fax numbers on PRI. The PRI terminates on a Cisco router and sends the incoming faxes to an eFAX software using H323. I want to forward calls for a specific number to another external number. For example, the existing ...
Weird problem here. I have a Site-to-Site VPN that isn't working. Both ASAs have other Site-To-Site VPNs working on them. I know the configuration is correct because it was working fine for months and it hasn't changed. I have both a successful Phas...
Hello All, I'm having problems accessing a certain site via HTTPS. I see some weird stuff happening. First I'm seeing this in the logs: Nov 19 2015 10:36:29: %ASA-4-419002: Duplicate TCP SYN from inside: to outside: ...
I have a setup that has two firewalls. Our webfilter running WCCP is on the inside of the second firewall. WCCP redirection is configured on the second firewall. ISP ----> ASA5520 ----> WAN ----> ASA5515 ----> filter When I enable WCCP on the ASA5520...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-20-2008 04:52 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-30-2019 12:03 AM
Posts 104
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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