Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎08-31-2003

User Statistics

  • 67 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 31 Helpful votes Given
  • 100 Helpful votes Received

User Activity and both are not working get APIC 404 not Found on both. perhaps they just need a restart.
Hi I have just built a new ACI Fabric ver 4.2(3j) I configured the first APIC , registered all the nodes OK. I then built the 2nd and 3rd APICs with identical Fabric Name, ID, Pod ID and Infra VLAN However the 2nd and 3rd APICs do not join the cluste...
If you have ever wanted a sneaky peak under the UCS Kimono (GUI) then this posts for you.The goal of this post is to clarify the end-to-end path from a Cisco UCS vNIC through the UCS Infrastructure to the point we egress from the Cisco UCS Fabric Int...
Hi AllI am trying to integrate DCNM 6.1(2) into Microsoft Active Directory.I am trying to find some infomation on how to set up the Admin Group Maps to Map AD Group membership to the DCNM Role.Have looked through the following docs but nothing on how...
Hi AllI have a requirement to regularly collect UCS Inventories, at present I go through the painful task of copy and pasting all the model and serial numbers from UCSM, but am sure there must be a much easier way to do this, like a "show inventory" ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-31-2003 10:50 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-07-2024 01:09 AM
Posts 67
Total Helpful Votes Received 87