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Member since ‎08-20-2008

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I have a Catalyst 9200 with the Mgmt-vrf configured.  Over the weekend, it stopped responding to our monitoring platform.  I can no longer ssh into the switch either.  It is at a remote site so I do not have direct access to it.  Yesterday I managed ...
We're having issues connecting with a vendor's Skype for Business installation. They have their own servers and are not using Microsoft's cloud Skype services.  The problems are intermittent - it will work one time, but not the next.  We've done a lo...
Hope this is the right category for this issue... I am trying to set up SSL VPN for my users with an ASA.  I am using a 5505 in my lab.  The VPN users will need to authenticate against the Active Directory.  I set up the AAA server using LDAP to a Mi...
I'm in a state of confusion at this point.  I have an ASA 5520, v9.1(4), that I'm just connecting up to a switch for direct client access.  The switch is configured to use the ASA as it's default route.  I have the NTP on the switch set up, but it's ...
Maybe it's because it's so late, but I'm confused.  I've got an out of the box ASA 5520 with just a basic config on it - the default mostly, except the Gi0/0 and 0/1 ports are not in shutdown mode.  I've got connection lights, and both the ASA and th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-20-2008 07:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 10:45 AM
Posts 105
Total Helpful Votes Received 22