Hem Brahmi
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Member since ‎09-21-2012

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Cisco IX Log collection ProcedureYou would need to login to the Web GUI of the IX5000/5200 on a Web BrowserYou will see the Home Page as below, Navigate to the logs section on left menu   Once you are in the logs section, you will see the below windo...
What codec does for each check:0. = UBoot init completed (Cisco logo lid)1. = CTS image header verified.2. = Loading CTS image from CF to RAM3. = Image loading from CF continued..4. = Image loading from CF continued..5. = CTS image checksum verified....
You would need the following Two softwares>>>>TFTP/SFTP server (eg, freeFTPd  http://www.freesshd.com/?ctt=download )>>>>Putty client  Login to the Call Manager Server CLI using putty SSH List the available files on the server as below. admin:file li...
Hi out there.I got a problem with KPML.I got an CME where KPML just works fine and an CUCM 7.1.x where it doesn't.The only difference i found was in the cnf.xml for example:An working CME phone config contains <kpml>1</kpml>where an CUCM phone config...
Last year I upgraded from 4.1.3 to CUCM 8.5 and it seems like over the past year I have been losing my ATA 188 devices.  They worked fine after the upgrade but as time progressed they are no longer able to register.  I know there is not a load for th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-21-2012 09:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 2
Total Helpful Votes Received 79
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