Gary Parker
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-26-2011

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  • 90 Posts
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Afternoon all. I'm scaling up a migration from CUCM 12.5 to MS Teams Voice and want to route internal calls placed on the CUCM to existing DNs out via a CUBE to our ITSP (Gamma in the UK). At present I can manually call forward a line to its subscrib...
CUCM 11.5.1-12900-21IM&P Jabber clients (iOS, Mac, Windows tested with 12.1.1, 12.0, 11.9, 11.8.1)Afternoon all, I’ve had a call from a user stating that they’re unable to start ad-hoc audio conferences from their Jabber for Ma...
Morning all, I'm setting up a bunch of phones for a new building on campus that's operating as a small hotel, for all intents and purposes. Here's a quick summary of the configuration: two 8851s on reception, two 7841s in the office and a 7841 in the...
Hi folks, I'm running CUCM on a single cluster (1x pub, 4x sub). My CA certs for the tomcat service are due to expire shortly so I've generated CSRs for all the servers and submitted them to our provider. All but one of the requests wen...
 ​Hi, our desktop support people are working in deploying Jabber for Windows 10.5.2 to our managed service at the moment. This is with the 2nd of November 2014 r2 Virus and Spyware definitions.Two days ago it was installing OK, but since the virus de...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-26-2011 08:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-01-2023 12:18 AM
Posts 90
Total Helpful Votes Received 40
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