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Member since ‎01-05-2011

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  • 118 Posts
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Hello,   I am trying to register an SPA 112 with CME 8.5 on Cisco 2811. I have configured the SPA mac address as a third party sip phone. However, I dont see the SPA registering. SPA line status says "registration failed" and I dont see any active re...
Hello, I have a Cisco IP phone 8811 (SIP) which is behind a Cisco 2821 router. This phone NAT's to public IP on Cisco 2821 and then registers to a CUCM on internet. When it registers,  CUCM has phone's private IP address instead of Public. I think t...
Hello, I have a Cisco IP phone 8811 (SIP) which is behind a Cisco 2821 router. This phone NAT's to public IP on Cisco 2821 and then registers to a CUCM on internet. When it registers,  CUCM has phone's private IP address instead of Public. I think t...
Hello, Is it possible to configure a SIP trunk on CUCM to bypass the CUCM for media traffic? I have a SIP trunk between CUCM and FreePBX server. Phones register to CUCM and calls route out to SIP trunk to FreePBX. I want that once the call is setup t...
Hello, I have a Cisco 7965 IP phone trying to register to a CME ver 9.1 over the internet. I see the phone trying to register and it also shows "REGISTERED" when I do sh ephone, but the status is "DOWN" and it keeps registering and un-registering i...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-05-2011 08:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-08-2018 11:51 PM
Posts 118