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Member since ‎08-15-2003

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First of all, I tried Jabber Video(Intranet) -> VCSC -> CUCM -> Jabber for windows, both audio and video are fine, by establishing SIP trunk between VCSC and CUCM, together with Zone and search rule settings in VCSC.Second, Jabber Video(Internet) ->V...
A few weeks before, it's working when the Movi(reside in VCS-C X7.2) calling Cisco Jabber for Windows(reside in CUCM 9.0), and I did the integration configuration according to the below link:
Hi, ExpertsWhen two Jabber video clients call each other, it may estalish the STUN when two client calling each other from Internet, then I guess it will shown as "Non-traversal call" in VCS Expressway; Also, it may estalish an TURN Relay when STUN f...
Hi, ExpertsThe architecture is as below:Movi or EX60 -> VCS Expressway -> VCS Control (Authentication through AD) -> TMSPEThe movi user can login by their username and password, also get phonebook correctly, but using the same user credentials, the E...
Hi, ExpertsCalling from to the MCU, the dual stream works, and calling from to the MCU, audio/video are all worked fine, but the dual stream not working, any specific reason for this?
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Member Since ‎08-15-2003 04:29 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
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