Joris Syen
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Member since ‎06-29-2012

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Hi, We got 1 pair of ASA5525 in 1 room, and another pare of (new) ASA5525 in another room.Both pairs are configured as Active/Standby in each room (top one is active, bottom is standby).Both are independent rooms and the rooms are not meant to be red...
Dear,   At this moment I am looking at a situation which boggles my mind. I just can't believe what is happening. Maybe this community will clear things up for me.   In our network we have a ring of 10 switches. One of these is in the serverroom SWI0...
Dear, We currently have a 2901 router (ipbasek9 license, firmware 15.0(1r) M16). It is configured to connect the LAN to the WAN (both internal networks) using NAT. This is done in a many-to-1 way: we have about 50 devices on the LAN and we use 1x WA...
Dear, We are replacing an old software router where we need to try extract to same configuration of to a 2901 router.I basically was able to configure it similarely, except this issue:There is a routing between WAN and LAN (Office and Production), wh...
Dear, I am struggling with a certain project where a kerio winroute software firewall needs to be replaced by a hardware router/firewall.The purchased hardware is a 2901 with K9 firewalling license pack (no experience on cisco routers).It is just rou...
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Member Since ‎06-29-2012 04:33 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-08-2021 10:45 AM
Posts 73
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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