Feature overview: This feature is introduced in CME 10.0 - 15.3(3)M.It provides support for new SIP phone device without changing the IOS version . In the subsequent CME releases, these new phones would be added into the list of supported phon...
Hi Fajar, FXO lines do not carry a called number and hence the call cannot be routed.*Sep 4 07:12:19.291: //8/A46EC81B8012/VTSP:(0/1/1):-1:1:1/act_pre_con_disconnec t: [Number Unobtainable]-Tone Played In Direction [Network]You would need to use "...
From the configs, the gateways are H323 Gateways with FXO lines and the issue is not localised to FXO itself.We would need to take a look at the following debugs :debug h225 asn1debug h245 asn1debug voice ccapi inoutdebug voip vtsp alldebug vpm signa...
Hi,Kindly share the running config and the debugs already collected.As i understand , the CUBE is a SIP-SIP CUBE . Check the codecs mentioned under the incoming and the outgoing dial-peers. If they are different , we would need a local xcoder on the ...
Hello Jim, Use a different "Region" for the xcoder and let the region have g711 in the inter region relation . say we create a new region XCODER-TEST, phone has JIM_TEST_RG and trunk has AU_PER_REG, keep the relation between XCODER-TEST & JIM_TEST_...