Akhtar Samo
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-11-2010

User Statistics

  • 126 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 74 Helpful votes Given
  • 6 Helpful votes Received

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Hello,Wondering if there is an updated version of below document ? and is it needed to run pxLog Application Installed on Tomcat 7 with MySQL Version 5 or I can make the use of ISE pxGrid node.ISE Version 1.3 pxGrid Integration with IPS pxLog Applica...
Hello All,May I know if Sourcefire can inspect traffic tunneled in EoIP ? We have a wireless guest network traffic which is passing through EoIP tunnel (between WLC and guest anchor controller), is it possible to inspect such encapsulated traffic ? R...
Hello,May I know if there are any deployment best practice documents on IPS (covering Pre Processors settings etc), Network AMP and Fire AMP.Thanks.Regards,Akhtar
Hello,May I know if any thing else is required apart from below, if DC MGMT and the sensor appliance management are on a separate network separated by a firewall.443 (inbound) and 8305 (inbound and outbound)Regards,Akhtar
Hello,I am trying to implement macsec only for switch to host segment. I am following below document but still the user is not able to connect.http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/lan-switching/8021x/117277-config-anyconnect-00.htmlThe only diff...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-11-2010 12:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-11-2023 11:26 PM
Posts 126
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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