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Member since ‎08-10-2003

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Dear All,I am experiencing a problem on a Catalyst 4510 (cat4500-ipbasek9-mz.122-53.SG.bin) with 802.1x configured. Client PCs are connected via a mini desktop switch to a Cat 4510 switched port in multi-auth mode. The configuration of the port follo...
Can anyone confirm that it is possible to join a converted Autonomous AP to a 2100 Series WLC (namely AIR-WLC2106-K9)?A came across two documents and h...
Dear all,I would like to add an AASTRA MX-ONE Telephony Switch (formerly Ericsson) as a H.323 gw to a Cisco Unified Call Manager 6.1.2. Unfortunatelly this does not work for me. I can make calls from an Ericsson phone to a Cisco IP Phone. The IP Phon...
Hello,Is it possible to use a WS-CAC-3000W PS in a Cat6K chassis (WS-C6006 or WS-C6009)?Is anybody using the PS this way?Thank you.Mirek
Hello folks,Does anyone have some experience with running ASA with CSC-SSM module behind a http proxy?I intend using it for virus scanning and URL filtering. However, the clients in my network use a http proxy server so from the point of view of the ...
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Member Since ‎08-10-2003 10:27 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2018 12:26 AM
Posts 12