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Member since ‎04-16-2013

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hello there,Can anyone please tell me where I can get the sotfware for the Operators PC's please?
Hello there,Does anyone know of a way of connecting/browsing to a CUCM on a VMWare session using a laptop which is not connected to a LAN?Obviously doing an ipconfig we can see the LAN is disconnected and we dont have an IP address;Ethernet adapter L...
hello all,I have an interesting one here. When I try to update the network Locale there are no options in the drop down bar. Phones > Update phones > Query > Find > Next > Next >However I can change User Locale, or anything else.Am I hitting a bug he...
Hi there,I am trying to find out a SRND for this appliance. Need to find out how these two servers act as a fully redundant set up, so questions are;2 x Servers running ESXi - I would assume these act as one server in a vitual enviroment?CUCMBE, Unit...
Hello there,I have been scouring everywhere for SRND and how this actually works. I know from the past that CUCMBE as an appliance worked alone, not Pub and Sub as the normal CUCM deployment, however hass this changed on the CUCMBE 6K on ESXi?Quesion...
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Member Since ‎04-16-2013 03:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
Posts 15
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