Stuart Gall
Level 1
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Member since ‎03-06-2012

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Hello,We have 3 asa,aAsa 1 has a VPN with asa 2Asa 2 has a VPN with asa 3Asa 2 is hairpinning traffic from 1 to 3 through the VPNsPings however are not working.on a packet capture on the far end I see echo requests and replies but the replies do not ...
Hello,is there a way to get the FULL version revision on the ASA or any other IOS device for that matter.e.g.Cisco security advisory states Recommended release 8.2(5.33)show version displays 8.2(5)Cisco Download just shows Latest release 8.2.5 EDSo I...
Hello,I have several working VPNs between ASAs 8.4 and 8.3The way this was set up is with cryptomaps that match whole subnets and ACL on the outside interface to permit from/to the RFC 1918 addresses.I notice that the hit count is zero on these rules...
In the docs it says that ignores occur when the interface hardware runs low on buffers.What does it mean when I see ignores (lots of them) on a Vlan but I do not see them on the trunk interface.This is the management VLAN on a switch.Is it possible t...
Hi I tried to upgrade ASA5510 to 8.3.1 (from 8.2.5)The configuration migration did not appear to work. My VPNs were up but mostly would not pass traffic.I saved the migrated configuration (for referenec) and backed out the change.Now I am looking at ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-06-2012 12:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
Posts 56
Total Helpful Votes Received 37