Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎12-03-2006

User Statistics

  • 81 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 64 Helpful votes Given
  • 25 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

I'm trying to restore a backup from another (older) server to this newer one, both servers on the same version/patch.The restore seems to get stuck at 20% for no obvious reason. It's been there for about 3 hours now but on the first attempt it was le...
Hi, Ive erased the config on a fpr2140 which was being managed by FDM and have now added it to FMC(6.6.1) which seems to have gone through fine, all green ticks etc. Prior to wiping it, the FPR was on 6.6.1 but after wiping it, it's now on 6.3. I tri...
Have a couple of firepower devices in HA , managed by FDM. I'm trying to add a token for smart licensing registration however I can't seem to see or select any option other than 'US region'. This is happening under both the cloud services registratio...
Hi, I'm on my second attempt of trying to upgrade the FPR2140 to 6.6 from version 6.3. followed the 6.3 guide and it mentions that during the upgrade you get logged out of the GUI, and that it could take 30+ minutes to complete. The guide says not to...
Hi, As above really, 1 or 2 users are unable to print to their home printer. Had issues like this before and it was to do with the split tunnelling which was pretty quick to fix. This one however is a little different as the user *can* ping and brows...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-03-2006 05:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-11-2021 01:11 AM
Posts 81
Total Helpful Votes Received 25
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