Chieu Dinh
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Member since ‎02-06-2012

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20 description Management Uplink switchport access vlan 50 switchport mode access switchport nonegotiate interface Vlan1 no ip address!interface Vlan50 ip address !interface Vlan1 no ip address!int...
Hi I have switch A interface 1/0/1 trunk (VLAN 1) is connecting to  switch B (VLAN2) interface 1/0/1 trunk. How do I route the packet from VLAN1 in switch A to VLAN 2 in switch B?Switch A:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1switchport trunk encapsulation d...
I am able to run ASM but I can't run SSH from inside interface. Does anyone know how can I start to debug the problem? I checked all the setting for enable ssh, I setup it the same way as an instruction. aaa authentication ssh console LOCALssh 192.16...
I have setup the VPN remote access to ASA 5520. The login is working. The users can access to the local network. But they can't access to the remote network through the tunnel. Is it the NAT setting need to be set for the tunnel or the VPN client to ...
I have setup the NAT to run site-to-site IPsec tunnel, but it seem my NAT is not working properly. Would you give me some help on troubleshoot this please. I could not find any hits on my NAT. Thank youshow run: Saved:ASA Version 8.2(1) !hostname xxx...
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Member Since ‎02-06-2012 02:27 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
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