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Member since ‎04-15-2014

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  • 14 Posts
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I would like to enquire on the upgrade procedure for changing the WAAA CM running in HA from WAE 612 to WAVE 594. This is my understanding of the procedure: Downgrade the new WAVE 594 WAAS manager at DR to version 4.4.7 to allow us to form a High Ava...
Hi, From the documentation, it is stated that the HUB master should be on a separate router from the border. My question is whether the setup with the master and border on the same router will work. Also, in the current iwan version 2.1 can I have m...
I am setting up Cisco ONS 15454 M6 version 9.4 for DCI between Primary DC and DR with two Dark fibers for protection. The ONS at the two sites have the following cards: 2 x TNCE cards4 10x10G LC line cards1 PSM line card1 40 SMR 1C Linecard We have...
I have a Cisco Nexus 1010 Virtual Switch Appliance running version 5.2(1)SP1(7.1) which I want to Integrate with Microsoft HyperV. I gone through the setup dialog. However the vsa is not accepting any commands for the HyperV integration:DC-N1K-VSA-01...
Hi,I have a network setup with one Nexus 7000 at the Primary and the other at the DR. I have setup otv over a layer 3 point-to-point link between the two sites. Recently a second point-to-point link was provisioned be a different service provider. Ho...
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Member Since ‎04-15-2014 09:23 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-20-2024 09:55 PM
Posts 14