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Level 1
Member since ‎08-17-2014

User Statistics

  • 28 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 35 Helpful votes Given
  • 12 Helpful votes Received

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So FTD only shows time in UTC?  also there is a bug to show local time in EDT for version 6.6.0, even D-Lin* home router shows the local correctly, someone needs to get their act together.   > show timeUTC - Thu Oct 1 14:49:51 UTC 2020Localtime - Thu...
Hello, I have a handful of HP printers in the voice domain even their IP from data VLAN and their authorization is correct, they are directly connected to the switch(no phone in between) and we are using multi-auth, below the config and the details, ...
Hi,we have a project to migrate from ISE 2.2 deployment to separate 2.6 deployment, we are doing it on Site by Site basis, we are exporting statically assigned endpoint for that specific site from 2.2 and trying to import that CSV file to 2.6 but it ...
Hi,We are planning to migrate from ISE 2.2 that running on 3495 which is really slow, yes, we did worked with TAC on many SR to get it to response faster without luck(100K endpoints), that is why we are migrating to 3595 that we already purchased(bef...
Hi,We are planning to migrate from ISE 2.2 that running on 3495 which is really slow, yes, we did worked with TAC on many SR to get it to response faster without luck(100K endpoints), that is why we are migrating to 3595 that we already purchased(bef...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-17-2014 12:06 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-02-2023 05:57 PM
Posts 28
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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