Hi Paul. How many webbridges do you have configured? Do you have 1 or 2? I saw this once previously when I missconfigured the c2w URL and changed it to the right one. There may be a cache of some sort with the old (misconfigured one) but I'm not ...
Hi. You can check the API guide under /dtmfprofiles and from there you can choose what dtmf sequence you want for each function. So under startRecording you can create whatever you want as the profile for this. So if you want to do 99# or 123#, 12...
Hi. Can you try adding the domain portion to the incoming dial plan rules to see if the calls connect? If the dial plan is already there, can you make sure it targets cospaces? Does this solve your issue? The server is saying the URI doesn't match ...
CMS provides info in CDR Data etc, but you will need some tool to do Analytics etc of that information and store it. Couple of tools that you can look into are VQ's Conference Manager 3 or another tool with Vyopta offers does something similar I do ...
Hi. 2.5 is quite old. Perhaps you should think of upgrading when you can.
I don't think you can take a .csr file (Certificate Signing Request) and upload that to another CMS. I do believe CMS looks at the extension to make sure its applicable. ...