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Member since ‎12-03-2003

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Hello,   I'm having some issues with the "unlocated phones" report from CER v11.5.4.50000-6.  I have many phones in the report with the status of "Switchport Configuration" under the "Why this ERL is used?" column.  Problem is that all the phones lis...
I have my CUCM 11.5 directory syncing once a week, but the CUCM is sending a bind (auth) request to the LDAP server about every 2 seconds.  The DC is logging to a Splunk server and the shear number of bind/unbind request from the CUCM to the LDAP ser...
Hello,   I'm trying to write sip profile that truncates the 10-digit Diversion number dow to the last 4-digits and re-writes that number back into the Diversion header, but I'm not very succesful.  I've written may copy and writes to different header...
I’m having a trouble with modifying my headers and getting it to work on my CUBE outbound sip profile. According to my “debug ccsip message” out put, my header modification is correct, but the inew INVITE isn’t matching my outbound dial-peers. I’m tr...
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but whenever I try to enable Flexconnect Local Auth at the SSID level, I get the following "The following errors occurred while updating the WLAN: Flexconnect Local Authentication is not supported with Local Switch C...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-03-2003 05:37 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-04-2020 05:50 PM
Posts 75
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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