Jefferson Islan Silva
Level 1
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Member since ‎01-22-2010

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  • 140 Posts
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I'm trying to install the IM & Presence version 10.5.(2) and getting the following error message after the installation." A Cisco DB may have encountered a known issue - If services are not starting please run 'utils service restart Service Manager'"...
Dear Cisco friends, how are doing?I have a simple script and not able to work with Java Class file. I have many others scripts integrated to Java class file and this is working properly, but when I try to use this script script and java class file th...
Dear Cisco PDI Help-Desk,There's any report on UCCX 9 that may I see each calls was dropped by agent and by customer?Thank you
I would like to know how may I configure to any Script Exceptions to doesn't play "We're currently has problem on the system" and go to a specific label that transfer to the agent?Thank you
I cannot use the Substring function to obtain a specific value from a string variable. My substring position is variable, so I need to put a variable, loop and increment it the position. When I try to add the below command, this is getting the erro...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-22-2010 11:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-01-2019 02:02 AM
Posts 140
Total Helpful Votes Received 4
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