Georg Kehrer
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎11-08-2010

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  • 156 Posts
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  • 34 Helpful votes Given
  • 160 Helpful votes Received
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Dear all I want to enable or disable the recording feature for individual User in Webex Control HubI have found a way via Session Type, but the Problem is I can not assign the new Custom Session Type to all Users in a BulkIf you have more as 1000 exi...
Dear all Does anyone know if language support is planned for slovak and ukraine?   Best Regards Georg
Dear allDoes someone has an Idea how can I delete a Phonebook in TMS if If still Provisioning extension is activatet--> although TMSPE is deinstalled. I know the Procedure would be- Install TMSPE again- deactivate Provisisoning extension- de-instal T...
Dear all Maybe someone can help me, I'm searching the software for the old tandberg MXP 95 Endpoint.F9.3.4 , I think it was the latest Release. Thank you any Input appreciated. Best RegardsGeorg 
Dear all Does someone has the Idea what is the api command to set TlsVerify to Off ??is it only possible via Web Interface ?Thanks for any Feedback. Best RegardsGeorg
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-08-2010 03:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-01-2024 01:07 AM
Posts 156
Total Helpful Votes Received 60