Rick Morris
Level 6
Level 6
Member since ‎01-04-2008

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I am wanting to make sure I log all users who connect to anyconnect and send the data to a syslog server. What I need to do is capture the IP of the user, login credentials (user), with a date and time stamp.What is the easiest method for doing this?...
We have a 6509 that has had a vlan removed, however, we still get alerts in our monitoring - and can verify on the device.  We have removed the VLAN, rebooted the device, verified the vlan.dat - and do not see it.  If we perform the sh snmp mib ifmib...
Our environment is set up in a ring topology.The outside 6500's is the ring.The two 6500's in the middle are at our second campus and are introduced into our main campus enviroment as shows.We have an issue that traffic from our second campus prefers...
Looking to see if anyone else has run into this issue.I am looking at an issue on a 4500X where VLAN 1 is seen yet not configured for the interfaces I am using.  Also, when looking at the upstream switch, 6509, it shows a similar set-up with the inte...
Interesting issue.In reading the following doc http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst3750x_3560x/software/release/15.0_1_se/configuration/guide/swadmin.html#wp1063713I understand the difference between dynamic and static mac, however, ...
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Member Since ‎01-04-2008 08:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-21-2019 12:28 AM
Posts 850
Total Helpful Votes Received 248
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