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Member since ‎03-08-2009

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Just looking on our 6500 series MLS I got some unexpected info from the sh memory command What is RPC draco-oir?  All of our other 650X chassis show what I consider normal.....except this one. RTR-01#sh memory                Head    Total(b)     Use...
Is there a way using some historical log that we can trace a ...MAC, since IP is in a DHCP range, as it transverses a network. Say someone has an IPAD, and are connected to AP, as they walk throughout the building can I see a log such as this MAC   ...
In a recent deployment this week we installed roughly 70 APs, two of which are not seen by the controller,  Vlan tagging has been verified.  I consoled into one and the complete logs are at the bottom of this. Here are some notable entries: *Mar  1 ...
Mainly extreme snmp strings. I found this https://supportforums.cisco.com/document/113051/monitoring-ncs-or-prime-infrastructure-snmp Which doesnt list the MIB I want....its EXTREME-ELRP-MIB.mib
Cisco 5508.  When APs go offline, on the Monitor tab, it does not register as AP down, it just decrements the total AP# by 1.  What option do we set to show the APs down?
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Member Since ‎03-08-2009 10:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 545
Total Helpful Votes Received 205