Mehdi Talei
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Member since ‎09-23-2008

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Is there any command to find the Native Vlan (configured under FlexConnect tab) of ALL access points in WLC? I have a Flex7500 and running code Thanks, Mehdi
Hello, I need help to interpret a portion of Client Session report in Prime Infrastructure. I placed a call with TAC and the engineer was unable to explain what the output means (for which I am si disappointed) Client UsernameAssociation TimeAP NameS...
The service DCRServer is on Waiting to initialize.I've stoped Daemon Manager and restarted, with no succes! Even rebooting the server didn't help!How can I restart it manually?It's a virtual appliance... 
We have a new OU added to our AD. I added the OU to CallManager as well as Service Profile. Which service on CallManager or IM server do I need to restart in order to make these changes effective?CallManager and IM version 9.1Thanks  
I have more than 200 APs same model reaching and associating with my WLC but only 5 are not able! They reach the WLC on port UDP/5426 but they never go further to associate with WLC. There is no firewall issue, all ports are open between the APs and ...
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Member Since ‎09-23-2008 09:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 11:39 AM
Posts 105
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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