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Member since ‎04-07-2013

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Hi, I am setting up an ISE 3.1 cluster with dedicated PAN, MnT and PSN nodes for a customer. The certificate on ISE for Admin and EAP Authentication roles is signed by Corporate Issuing CA. The certificate contains the FQDN's of all the ISE nodes in ...
Hi,This document has these restrictions on the use of IPSec profiles under tunnels - ref https://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios-xml/ios/sec_conn_dmvpn/configuration/15-2mt/sec-conn-dmvpn-share-ipsec-w-tun-protect.htmlThe tunnel source command on all tu...
Hi,I have a VPN firewall (ASA) sending syslog to ISE (2.7 patch 6). ISE has Syslog Provider configured for passive identity feature. ISE is also configured with AD as PID provider using WMI. The VPN user testuser1 is an AD user account. When a user (...
Hi,Configured an IOS device to send syslog severity debugging and above messages to Prime Infrastructure (3.9) which is acting as a syslog collector.  logging trap debugging logging host However, I only see 'Information' and above...
Hi,In the network below, the objective is redundant reachability to prefix (say public cloud hosting) routers csr2 and csr3 (internal network). In the order of operations, BGP was configured and verified first, followed by OSPF configuration....
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Member Since ‎04-07-2013 05:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-24-2022 12:06 AM
Posts 120
Total Helpful Votes Received 87
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