Scott Donahue
Level 1
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Member since ‎07-30-2012

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  • 62 Posts
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VSOM works fine on all of our Windows 7 computers but cannot get it to work on Windows 10. Before you ask, yes SASD does work but need to get VSOM to work.  When loading Windows 10 new edge browser everything looks great, even has the gold border aro...
Using a Cisco 9971 phone trying to initiate a grant access command and getting the error... "Incompatible device state for command invocation. All setup is exact to other doors that are working and so at a loss.
I was wondering what other users have used for a video intercom that will tie in with both CPAM and VSOM?  Currently we have some 2N Helios IP Force (9151101CW) that we have working with CPAM and our Cisco 9971 phone but cannot get it to work with VS...
Just added 60 CIVS-IPC 6030 cameras to a new 2RU media server with 18.2T of usable storage and 17 cameras are showing the following error.Operation failed: Media server reported the error No Media repository found that has 713655000 Kbytes of storage...
I see there is a new version 7.2.0 which would appear to be a major update from 7.0.0 or 7.0.1.  Does anyone know what is new.  Tried to access the release notes but was unable to.Thanks,Scott
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-30-2012 09:44 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-09-2019 12:05 AM
Posts 62
Total Helpful Votes Received 29
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