Colin Higgins
Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎12-12-2010

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  • 25 Helpful votes Received
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I have a very old WLC (4402) that I inherited at a client site. One of the access-points that connects to this WLC had to be wiped and re-installed, and since it is not a LWAPP, I am a bit unsure as how to get this to connect to the WLC The AP requir...
I have a 4400 series controller running 5.9.193 code. In the last few days, 50% of my access-points no longer appear in the controller, even though I can ping the access-points from the controller. I can see the APs in CDP on the switches I have trie...
I have a WLC 5508 running 8.5.120 code. I have wireless client who need to print from Apple devices to a HP M426 laserjet printer. So I set up the WLC for mDNS by doing the following:1. Enabling mDNS snooping2. Enabling global multicast and IGMP snoo...
I am looking for a four-post rack that will work with a Cisco Nexus 7706 problem is, that device is 32 inches deep, which is non-standard. I can't seem to find a rack that will work. Can anyone point me in the right direction or make a recommendation...
I am trying to get a webauth certificate loaded into my 5508 WLC. Here is what I have done: 1. Generate a CSR from the WLC CLI2. Sent the CSR to Entrust and received back 3 certs: server, intermediate, and root3. Combined the contents of these three ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-12-2010 01:42 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-10-2020 12:13 AM
Posts 479
Total Helpful Votes Received 25