Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎03-29-2010

User Statistics

  • 103 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 165 Helpful votes Given
  • 79 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi to all,We know that we can get information about the number of connected endpoints to a ISE deployment we have 3 ways:1)Filtering on "connected status" on Total Endpoints2)Looking at the "active session" and licence counters 3)Looking for endpoint...
Hi,on ISE 2.4 in the live logs pages the report that one got clicking on the repeat counter was very useful because the endpoints were sorted by repeat counters. So it was very easy to find the endpoints with high repeated counters.With ISE 3.2 the r...
Hi to all,as far as I understood when profiler service is not enabled InactiveDays attribute is useless in endpoint purge rules since its value is the same of ElapseDays, that is it does not store information about when the endopint has been "last se...
Hi to all, I'd like to modify guest user expiration notification email message in order to include guest  username in the message.I tried inserting $ui_user_name$ in the message body editor present in Guest Types -> <GUEST TYPE NAME> but with no luck...
Hi to all,I used to think that "Active endpoints" count present in ise ADMIN home page should match  base license count at license sampling time.Indeed when our deployment was still small in terms of endpoints, licence count used to be a little small...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-29-2010 07:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-22-2025 12:09 AM
Posts 103
Total Helpful Votes Received 79