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Member since ‎09-23-2007

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Hello all, We just received our new ASR 1001-X routers.  They were ordered with the firewall license (FLSASR1-FW), and when I run: show license I do see: Index 14 Feature: firewall Period left: Life time License...
Hello all, I came across this today, we had a test plan to check routes coming in and going out.  via show ip bgp nei x.x.x.x routes and advertised.  At the only site where the CE has two eBGP peers.  We are seeing routes being advertised back to the...
Hello All,  I can't believe, I'm not finding anything on the subject of running multiple EIGRP autonomous systems on the same set of routers. I'm hoping my Google skills are down. :) Here's what we are trying to accomplish and the problem we are runn...
Hello all,I'm not understanding why my initial NAT configuration does not work.  Here's the goal: we have a site with only one external IP address.  At the site we have two web servers that do not have a default gateway.  We access other servers at t...
Hello all,We have not confirm the problem, but we are having reports that analog devices like USR V.92 Modems and Power meters are not connecting or dropping the connection.  We have an ISR 2911 with the 4-port FXS-DID WIC (VIC3-4FXS/DID), configure ...
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Member Since ‎09-23-2007 12:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-13-2018 05:14 PM
Posts 110