muhammad ahmad
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Member since ‎07-29-2013

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HI EveryoneI am here to inform that CIM a.k.a EIM WIM integration wizard can be re-run by following the steps described below.On CIM create a new departmentOn ICM, delete all the configurations and configure it from scratch i.e Application instanceAp...
Hi AllWe are getting following error in voice gateways. I am unable to understand these errors, also not faced any issue but i am trying to understand what is this about."%SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 736768 bytes failed from 0x6077B864, al...
Hi EveryoneWe are using ucce 8.5. Our agents are facing an issue i.e. when wrapup window appears, agent select a code and click apply button, the button doesn't works and it disappears after the configured time (we have configured that time to 10 sec...
I am currently using CCMP 10.5 and have issues loging in to the CCMP Portal with the administrator account. I am sure that the credentials used for login is correct but it is always giving me invalid credentials error. Please let me know how to creat...
Hi AllI have installed CIM version 9 but when i start cisco service, javaw processes are not coming UP. from logs i've found the following. also i am attaching the logs for reference."Failed to launch task :  Description : Failed to execute task task...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-29-2013 01:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-26-2018 07:33 AM
Posts 36
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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