Ronaldo Lino dos Santos
Level 1
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Member since ‎08-08-2013

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Here at the company we have a CUCM cluster in version 11.5, with 02 ISR 2951 gateways installed, one at the headquarters (Area 21) and the other at the branch (Area 11). CUCM routes work with redundancy. When someone from head office makes a call, it...
Surgiu uma solicitação onde preciso bloquear alguns números externos, que com frequência ligam para um ramal de um setor da empresa em busca de pessoas possuem outro ramal e trabalham em outro setor.Exemplo:  O ramal 2601 quer que as chamadas do tele...
Tenho 01 cluster de Call Manager, 01 Cluster de Unity Connecty e 03 filiais com gateway.  No Unity tenho 01 Auto Atendedor para cada filial(RJ, SP e ES).Na filial do ES eu recebo as chamadas por uma linha analógica, que esta conectada a FXO. O gatewa...
I have a cluster with two Cisco Unity Conection servers version10.5.1.10000-7. Some calls that go through the answering machine are muted and after about 10 seconds disconnection occurs. I noticed that the main server is presenting the following erro...
I have a virtual controller, which is with IOS version 8.3.102. My Wlan guest started having user authentication problems. I removed and created a new Wlan. Now users connect and authenticate to the new guest network, but they do not get IP from the ...
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Member Since ‎08-08-2013 11:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-02-2024 02:35 AM
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