Lovleen Arora
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Member since ‎08-21-2013

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Hi,  Thanks in advance. I need to know how do i apply this new activation key? same activation key to both ASAs? first apply it to Cisco ASA Secondary standby and reload it. and then failover to secondary and make it active. and then apply the same...
Can I share a vlan interface between a routed and transparent context on an ASA? why I need it; the customer wants to mirror traffic from an internal vm connected to the routed context network, and then mirror everything in/out of that vm to a hardwa...
Hi, I have had very minimal experience with IP multicast, so asking for some help here. We have 2 requirements in our network: 1. There is present multicast running in the network. We have 2 WAN connections from our main router which is the rp. as p...
ASA5520 (v9.0.4)-          We are running an RSA 2FA -          We would like to establish different VPN access profiles that enable us to segregate the traffic that we’re passing on to our internal FW based on which VPN profile the user chooses.-   ...
Hi, We have a Guest user SSID built-in similar to other SSIDs in the network. We use ISE for authentication and authorization of guest users via the portal. We have a requirement that we want to cap the guest user data to 2 GB per day per user per c...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-21-2013 02:33 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-27-2018 12:07 AM
Posts 66
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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