Daniel Baker
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Member since ‎08-05-2013

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Hi, I can not get DNS to work on a Cisco 871w  router.  It was working fine but by ISP changed the GPON router and now it fails. I am somewhat out of touch with Cisco commands so please bear with me. Trying the DNS  lookup: zabbix#ping www.bbc.co.u...
Can someone please describe how I  would work out how to monitor the bandwidth usage of an etherchanel on WS-C3750V2-24PS-S What is the process  I  use to find the MIB / OID I need. It seems like a wild goose chase. Can someone please lay out the pro...
Hi,I aim trying to gain access to a file server on our network. Nobody is able to access it and only a reboot of the switch or restarting the filewall seems to cure it for a 5 minutes or so.  The blocking seems to be trigerd by someone form the outsi...
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Member Since ‎08-05-2013 08:38 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 01:50 PM
Posts 11