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Member since ‎04-16-2004

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  • 37 Posts
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Hi,As part of our SD-Access roll out, we wanted to keep some functionality we had on our legacy Cisco network where access to the management interfaces of our Fabric switches is locked down to certain remote addresses and the address of DNA-C. Though...
Hi,I am a bit stuck with DNA-C and the interrelation of DHCP and DNS settings in different areas of DNA-C. We mainly segregate our network between Corporate and Guest Traffic as a gross simplification. This is our main VN segregation. We have separat...
Hi,First time post. Apologies in advance if this a too in depth a question for here, but you don't know unless you try.The scenario is that we are on the journey of moving to SD-Access. We have a normal fabric with a standard VN setup, up and working...
Hello, We are currently in the process of testing Anyconnect remote access to a Cisco ASA 5506 with AAA and certificate authentication (using user certificates). The issue we have is that OCSP does not seem to be working for revoked certificates and ...
Hello, we're running Jabber for Windows 10.6.4 on Win7, with CUPS We have noticed that sometimes when a watched user's PC is shutdown, their status on some (not all) clients still shows as Available (this can also happen when the Jabbe...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-16-2004 04:43 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-24-2024 10:46 PM
Posts 37
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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